Please note that we do not create all the designs featured in this article. Our primary focus is to curate and collect a diverse range of design collections and products to inspire and share with our audience. While we do not claim ownership or take full credit for the original designs and images, we occasionally make minor adjustments, particularly in home decor and fashion items, to present them more effectively. Additionally, we may produce and edit images to enhance their quality and composition before sharing them on our Pinterest page or website. For the design work we do on these creative designs, we also include our logo on the images shared on Pinterest and our website. This helps our audience recognize that these designs have been published on
Jointly managing relationships with the media and presence in social networks multiplies the reach and effectiveness of the communication of a brand. It is surprising that there are still brands that separately manage their relations with the media and their presence in social networks.
They have an agency, department or public relations professional in charge of sending their “hard” messages to journalists; and with a social media manager who is responsible for sharing more “soft” content in their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. profiles. Is that an efficient way to work?
In contrast to this fragmentation of communication, the integrated management of media communication and communication in social networks is gaining ground. This is what is known as Social PR and offers several advantages:
- It allows achieving a greater diffusion of the campaigns.
- It fosters synergies that save resources.
- Avoid contradictions in communication.
- It improves the relationship with consumers and journalists.
- It speeds up the reaction in case of an image crisis.
- Both channels are fed back to each other.
How the Founder of Pristine Advisers ‘Patricia Baronowski-Schneider’ Perceives the Horizons of Social Media & PR?
When it comes to leadership, listing a series of infallible guidelines is not the most appropriate; the personality of each leader is decisive in shaping their style and, therefore, not all guides work the same for all. Similar is the case of Patricia.
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider, who is a Mother, Grand-Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter and a successful Business Consultant as a profession, is the founder of the Business Consultant Firm ‘Pristine Advisers’. Patricia has the experience of 33 years in the field of PR/IR. She has worked with several well-reputable organizations including Handy & Harman, Citigate-Dewe Rogerson and The Altman Group.
Moreover, being a member of the Farmingdale Chamber of Commerce, Patricia has also been featured in numerous magazines as well as winning a number of awards in her profession. Patricia is the founder of the ‘Pristine Advisers’, a New York-based consultancy firm which also deals with Digital Marketing & Social Media Public Relations as well as legal consultancy to businesses.
Pristine Advisers has a catalog of more than 800 hundred thousand direct contacts of investors (both retail and institutional), brokers, analysts and media. Pristine Advisers helps its clients to get the most of their Marketing & Public Relations with their trusted & loyal contacts.
Patricia, along with her company Pristine Advisers, is dedicated to providing the most efficient & effective communication channels with clients. Although Pristine Advisers is headquartered in New York, it works with connections and providers globally, delivering the best possible services to businesses of all shapes and sizes.
An experienced team is the key feature of a service providing organization: Pristine Advisers has a wide range of experienced, self-motivated and committed employees in all Top, Middle & Lower Management. The management of work teams must be able to lead them to success, which translates into the fulfillment of goals.
To achieve this, managers & employees need to make the right decisions, which begin with the correct choice of group members. Communication, development plans and motivation skills are some of the aspects that every team leader must master; The Pristine Advisers team has a well-experienced manager & CEO in the shape of Patricia. Although the starting point of any leadership action implies the creation of a vision of the future that one has to convince. According to these team management skills, Pristine Advisers follows these steps:
- Communicate the client’s vision to the work teams.
- Contribute to client’s understanding, solving any doubts that may arise.
- Look for each individual member of the team to commit to it.
In this sense, Pristine advisers play an important role in spreading the benefits of Social PR. Few brands have these necessary resources to design, implement and monitor a comprehensive communication campaign that covers both the media and social networks.