Interview with Young E-commerce Entrepreneur Maxim Trubitski

Interview with Young E-commerce Entrepreneur Maxim Trubitski

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With social media taking over the world it has opened up countless job opportunities. Young e-commerce entrepreneur Maxim Trubitski has proven that all you need is a smartphone to get the job done.

Tell us a little about what you do and how you started? 

I used to be like everyone else. I focused on doing well in school and spending my free time playing video games and scrolling through social media. My family are immigrants, who were just happy to learn the language and get 9-5 jobs – I had no one to guide me on my journey to success. So I concluded that if I read & studied four or five hours a day, scored 1600 on my SAT, got a 4.0 GPA, and got accepted into the best college in the world- one day I would become successful.

I led this lifestyle until I finally realized that there are other options outside of the norm. I realized that if I put the same vigor into an online business – I could maybe get similar success as that of my studies (I was at the top of my class and studied literature, philosophy, and psychology daily) in a business endeavor. I had no clue where to start- and after a number of failed and half-successful businesses – like modeling management, a clothing brand, and a party business – I eventually discovered and mastered Ecommerce & marketing. 

Do you remember the first sale you made? 

I had so much faith in Ecommerce when I just started out that I pretty much expected to see thousands of sales right away. I knew that Ecommerce had incredible potential because so much of our dusky lives are shifting to online platforms. So when the first sale came right away, I “wasn’t surprised.” But just because I was getting sales, didn’t mean I was actually profiting! After my first couple hundred dollars in sales- it turns out I was in the negative. But I had made a mistake – I was guessing on my marketing approach. It took me months of split testing and optimizing the strategies I learned to actually see a profitable month- but it took off exponentially from there! 

Who have been your biggest influences since the beginning? 

I love studying with successful entrepreneurs. I have learned from so many of them, the list could go on for dozens of pages. Some of my favorite courses I watched were Alex Becker’s, Russel Brunson’s, and Dan Kennedy’s. They’re all incredible marketers and have amazing books that I’ve read as well! 

Is your line of work flexible? Do you have an office space or do you work from anywhere you please? 

My line of work is extremely flexible. For the last couple of years- 99.99% of my work time took place on my computer- whether I was in the US or traveling across the world. I did spend one summer in Switzerland with my team where we rented out a beautiful office in the city centre near a calm lake.

We worked ALL day on my business there- but honestly, the office situation was much less productive than we thought. Not only do you have to pay your employees more because they’re coming into the physical office, but our quality of work definitely decreased- because of the increased yearning to have fun and goof around, order take-out food and play ping pong. All beginners can start on their computers. I love working in beautiful airbnbs across the world- that’s where I get my best ideas! Online business is a spectacular business model because everything takes place remotely – and you can work from anywhere as long as you have wifi. Most traditional businesses required office & employee investments with a huge barrier of entry- but times have changed! 

Do you enjoy the public speaking side of things? 

I love public speaking, even though it can get exhausting! I enjoy getting people to take action and distinguish themselves, experience new things and become totally committed to their passion. When I see my students face to face I get so excited by their visible and willingness to take action and embrace my words. 

What is some advice you would tell someone that is looking to start up a Shopify business? 

I have so much advice to share for someone starting out in business. In a few words, I recommend you should do what you know needs to be done and never get lazy about it! I knew what I needed to do, and I did it. It’s as simple as that. My “ambitions” are 10 figure numbers, so if you want to create something as challenging as a billion dollar business, you have to leave your excuses behind. Even if you want to just replace your current income, put everything you got into it and you will succeed. But if you quit, it’s impossible.

What is one fact about you that we might not know?

I learned the piano and guitar in the last couple of years. Most people don’t expect me to be a musician- but I enjoy playing in my free time. There are hundreds of scientific benefits to playing an instrument, and I attribute a lot of my creativity to music.

Please list your socials below so we can keep up with you.

My Instagram is @Max.Trub. That’s where I’m most engaging with my followers sharing everything I can about online business! I also have a Youtube channel: Maxim Trubitski & I post business tutorials as much as I can there!