Please note that we do not create all the designs featured in this article. Our primary focus is to curate and collect a diverse range of design collections and products to inspire and share with our audience. While we do not claim ownership or take full credit for the original designs and images, we occasionally make minor adjustments, particularly in home decor and fashion items, to present them more effectively. Additionally, we may produce and edit images to enhance their quality and composition before sharing them on our Pinterest page or website. For the design work we do on these creative designs, we also include our logo on the images shared on Pinterest and our website. This helps our audience recognize that these designs have been published on
Here are the steps to prevent your potential customers from leaving your website without going through the box. Fashion is one of the most important sectors in online sales. Only in Germany, it already moves a whopping 1,800 million Euros a year and everything indicates that it will continue to grow.
But in these online purchases, there is also a high rate of cart abandonment, exactly 70% of customers who watch online fashion does not end up going through cash. A reality that according to Klik & Pay, the international payment platform, can be avoided by pampering the six steps that influence the conversion:
Landing Page: If you have already managed to attract your customers to your website, you should try to retain as much as possible. Something that begins by having an attractive and simple landing page. At a glance, potential buyers have to see what kind of clothes you sell, what your difference is from competitors and why they should trust you.
Therefore, it is very important to give the key information directly, take care of the design (fundamental in the fashion sector) and highlight the factors that make you sell the most, be it offers, quality of the fabrics, exclusivity in the design.
Usability: Once you have captured the customer’s attention and start to navigate, it should be easy and quick to reach the products of your interest. It is vitally important that the online store is equally usable in its mobile version as purchases through this device already exceed those made through computers.
Simple Forms: One of the things that will most discourage your buyer is filling out forms, so we have two tips. The first is that the data are entered only in the first purchase (through a registration system and password) and the second is to ask only the essential data.
Cross-Selling: Fashion is one of the sectors where cross-selling works best. There are tools that give very good results in terms of conversion. A client who has just put a pair of shoes in her cart will be much more likely to buy the matching bag if at that time she has an offer. We cannot forget that fashion is one of the sectors in which impulse buying continues to have a relevant weight.
Diversity In Means Of Payment: According to Klik & Pay, having more means of payment increases the conversion around 8%. For one simple reason: this way you guarantee that the client will find his favorite means of payment among the options of the trade.
A detail that directly influences your confidence and comfort, two key factors to pass through cash. This point is especially important for stores that sell internationally. If only the possibility of paying with VISA or MasterCard is offered, the conversion rate will be significantly affected in markets such as German or Scandinavian.
Remarketing: Analyzing that 70% of customers who abandon the purchase this payment gateway has detected that in 60% of the cases the abandonment does not occur in the final purchase process.
This means that perhaps the customer was only being informed of products and prices and his purchase decision was not yet made. Recovering this client can be relatively easy using remarketing tools. Sending an e-mail reminder about the cart, e-mails with related offers or push notifications, can help achieve the conversion in up to 13% of cases.