Most Common Mistakes In Small Businesses: Are You Also Putting Your Organization At Risk?

Most Common Mistakes In Small Businesses

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In general, small businesses make mistakes that limit their growth and make some of their processes not optimal enough. Every company is born of an idea, which is then materialized through a series of actions, which are often not taken from a vision based on administrative technology, but rather empirically. The most important thing is to systematize from the beginning and establish policies in order to work on the progress of the organization.

One of the most important bases of growth in the organization is when the organizations are small and have little production, with some clutter they can work. But, what would happen if they start to grow rapidly, and suddenly they speed up the work or hire new personnel to cover the demand? If the processes are not standardized and organized properly, there can be many problems and everything becomes chaotic.

It is very important that there needs to be policies, systematized processes, and a clear organizational chart. All this information must be known and understood by all members of the organization. Hiring, promotions, demotions, and dismissals must be based on statistics.

Many times employers make the mistake of hiring people to be friends or family and when the time comes to produce the problems begin, because they do not deliver the expected result.

This affects in two ways: the work climate and productivity, therefore, the survival of the company is at risk and the problem becomes more serious if the organization is small.

In this sense, the most important thing is that you hire and make decisions about your staff, only based on results. If you want to help others you can do it in many ways, but not putting your organization at risk.

What is more important, the productivity or personality of a candidate? In general, the selection processes of the company focus their attention on everything related to the personality of the candidates and their profile, but very few really stop to look at productivity.

The truth is that both are very important, since the productivity that a person has had in the past can give an idea of the results that may be given in the future in their organization; and the personality shows the skills of the person, how much he/she adjust to the position, to the boss, and to his work team.

Implement management indicators for all charges: All the positions in a company have something to measure, from the most executive to the most operative; and it is more important to measure results obtained well done and on time than activities carried out.

The statistics of a person and a company are like an x-ray, it is the truth and based on this information you can make strategic decisions and know what worked and what did not.

Managing a company without statistics is like driving a boat adrift and aimlessly. On the other hand, filling the company with statistics and not doing anything with them is wasting time. Management indicators should be the most important factor in making decisions and creating strategies.

In general, large and transnational companies measure, compare and systematize all their processes, this allows them to handle large amounts of work, replicate successful actions, and really know the behavior of the market.

If you have or work in an organization in the process of growth or expansion, it is extremely important that you begin to take advantage of the statistics of your employees. Do this in order to achieve the optimization of time and the achievement of results, and therefore, it will surely improve the productivity of your work organization as well as the organizational environment.